Parrish Ruiz de Velasco - Custom SLR Focus Team

Team Custom SLR

How did you get your start in photography?

I was a graphic designer that needed better photography for projects. Stock photography wasn’t cutting it, so I decided to shoot my own stuff!

Which accomplishments are you most proud of?

In 2012, TIME magazine chose one of my tornado photos as a top 10 image of the year!

Which Custom SLR products do you use?

The Glide Strap and M-Plate Pro are always on my camera. Such a versatile family of accessories have been great for storm chasing. I love being able to go to tripod for long exposures when conditions shift and it becomes dark in a matter of seconds. M-Plate Pro for the win!

Parrish Ruiz de Velasco

How does using these products improve your photography and/or comfort? What difference can you feel?

I still have yet to experience a more comfortable strap! The versatility is amazing. When storms are rolling in and light is changing, every second counts!


If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Super speed! There’s very few things I dislike about traveling to new places…The time it takes to get there is one of them!

Get the Gear

You can get the gear mentioned in this interview packaged perfectly in our Pro Bundle.

"The Glide Strap and M-Plate Pro are
always on my camera. Such a versatile
family of accessories have been great
for storm chasing."


Photographer Profiles

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