$25 for You. $10 for Charity.

Team Custom SLR

We got where we are today thanks to generous people who believed in our products on Kickstarter. In the spirit of giving back, we’d like to offer you a $25 CustomSLR.com gift card for just 10 bucks!

The best part? The entire $10 will go to Doctors Without Borders.

Get your gift codes here: customslr.com/products/25-custom-slr-gift

Twenty-five bucks goes a long way on CustomSLR.com. Might we suggest a spiffy camera strap ergonomically designed to sit comfortably on your shoulder? Or how about a few ProDot Shutter Button Upgrades to enhance your shooting experience?

Either way, you’ll be the envy of all your photog friends—and you can feel good about giving to a good cause.


The Custom SLR Team

Our gift codes don’t expire, so you can use them now or later. They also make awesome gifts. :)
Camera Strap Charity Doctors Doctors Without Borders kickstarter ProDot

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